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OrgOrg Chrome Extension

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Google Chrome Logo
OrgOrg go links and new tab experience requires a chrome extension to be installed. Each user can manually install the extension, or you can configure it to be auto installed whenever a user is signed into a Chrome profile with an account on your domain.

Auto Installing the OrgOrg Chrome Extension for Users

  1. Log into Google Admin with your Google Workspace administrator account.
  2. Go to Chrome browser > Apps & extensions
    Google Admin Screenshot
  3. Choose the Organizational Units (OUs) you want to install the extension for.
  4. Press the yellow + in the lower right and choose the “Add from Chrome store” option
    Add from Chrome store
  5. Search for OrgOrg and choose the OrgOrg chrome extension, alternatively you search by OrgOrg' Extension Id: ohgjikakijmdjillpknhaakcojomcjjiSearch for OrgOrg Screenshot
  6. Click the blue Select button
  7. On the right side of the screen, click Allow install → Force install + pin to browser toolbar, and Include in Chrome Web Store Recommended
    Force install extension
  8. Click SAVE button in the upper right
  9. You're all set! 🙌 Now when employees sign into their chrome browser using an account on your domain, the new tab and shortlinks will work without them having to install the chrome extension themselves.

Need more assistance?

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