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Frequently asked questions

go/ links make it easy to get to the pages you use the most, or pages you want to share with others. It's a link shortener that is private to your organization. Create a go link starting with go/ on this page or using the OrgOrg Icon OrgOrg button in your browser toolbar, then anyone in your org can type the link name (org/link-name) into their Chrome address bar to open it.

Administrators can disable the new tab experience for members in their org on the new tab settings page in the admin control panel.

Yes! Any OrgOrg administrator with the ability to read their Google Workspace Directory can enable auto sync on the users page in the admin control panel. For the security and technical folks reading this, when you enable Auto Sync, OrgOrg will prompt the user for the incremental auth scope Once the scope is granted, OrgOrg will be able to sync users between Google Workspace and OrgOrg.

When a go/ link is unlisted, it will not be visible in any search results or in the go/ links directory to anyone other than the owner of the link. Note, anyone can still use the link if they know the name (similar to sharing a Google Doc to “Anyone with the Link”). Also, if someone tries to create a go/ link with the same name as a hidden link, they will be notified the name is already in use. This helps prevent accidentally stepping on an unlisted link. Note, in this context, the opposite of “unlisted” is “published”. Published links are discoverable to any member of the org via search and browse.

When a go/ link is locked, only the person who locked it is able to modify the name, url, or description. By default, all go/ links are editable by any member. In general, this creates a more collaborative experience for members of the org. Locking/Unlocking go/ links impacts who can edit them, whereas Publish/Unlist impacts who can see them in the directory and search for them.

Yes! OrgOrg supports bulk importing shortlinks via a .csv file for easily migrating from existing shortlink services, or bulk editing. OrgOrg also supports easily exporting go/ links to a .csv file.

Yes! Let's say you wanted to create a go/ link to your favorite ticketing system, and wanted an easy way to jump straight to a ticket by id. You might create an go/ link go/ticket that redirects to the url${ticketId}. Now when you type go/ticket/123, OrgOrg will replace ${ticketId} with 123 and forward you to the url You can add one or more parameters anywhere in the url. Simply put the section of the url that should be parameterized in the format ${parameterHint} and then provide each parameter separated by a / when you use the go/ link.
One more example to help with this advanced feature. Let's say you have a dev environment and a production environment. The only difference is the subdomain for each environment. You could setup something like org/support to point to https://${environment} Then you can simply use the go/ link org/support/dev and OrgOrg will forward you to

In some rare instances, Chrome needs a little help to get go/ links to start working. If you are seeing a search result page instead of being redirected, visit https://go/ to get chrome to recognize you are using go/ links. From now on, you should be good to go. Just type go/ in the address bar and it should work as expected.

Upon login, OrgOrg will set your avatar to your Google Account profile picture. OrgOrg will automatically pick up changes to your Google Account profile picture if it changes.

While the Chrome Extension is the best way to get the most value out of OrgOrg, we support using our go/ links by changing your browser's default search engine to OrgOrg.
  1. Visit chrome://settings/searchEngines
  2. Click the Add button
  3. Click Save
  4. Click the 3 dots and make Orgorg the default

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